To weigh, or not to weigh? Every article I’ve ever read regarding successful weight loss and maintenance suggests weighing yourself at least weekly. (I would link to a few, but am lazy. Hahaha, probably part of the problem!) Over the past few years I’ve hopped on the scale almost daily. A fun digital one that gives you readings out to two-tenths of a pound! Oh, and tends to change by up to a pound if you hop off then re-weigh. But it’s lack of accuracy can shift both up and down, so I try to stick to one time. Anyway, I’m rambling. The point is, over the past few months as the numbers have crept steadily upward, I can no longer excuse the bigger numbers as fluke days. That is just what I weigh. But shockingly, this has not affected any change in my eating or exercise habits! Resigned to the fact that the ugly numbers are not going to budge (and if so, only up!) I regularly abandon healthy eating by lunchtime.

On Monday, I happened to get dressed for work, forgetting to step on the scale as usual, and thus a new experiment was born! I am staying away from the scale for a week (at least).  I’m hoping that taking the focus off the numbers will put me in a better (read: less defeated) mindset to make healthier eating decisions. And maybe stick with my new Jillian Michael’s DVD – more on that to come!

So… do you weigh?